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Read our latest news & articles.

Lessons from a life well lived

Centenarians Joan and Molly share their stories

Supporting participation, inclusion and independence

Our Driving Assessment Occupatinal Therapist shares her passion for helping people.

Just like riding a bike...for 100kms…at 88 years of age

Meet Reg Goodings, Brightwater resident and cycling champion

The transition journey into residential care

Making the decision to transition a loved one into residential care can be complex, luckily there's people to turn to like Michael for advice.

Maddies Café becomes community hub for residents, staff and neighbours

Volunteers serving up coffees, cakes and companionship to aged care residents

Simple sign language helping elderly Australians connect

A new project to teach simple hand signs in aged care and retirement villages has the potential to enhance communication.

Often it's the simple strategies that help

We chat to Physiotherapist, Genevieve Carr at Brightwater The Cove about preventing falls.

The importance of meal experiences that nurture and provide nutrition

"What could be more important than a little something to eat?" - Winnie the Pooh

The economic return of Aged Care in WA in the next decade

For the first time in Western Australia, 12 leading aged care providers have worked together to present the Economic & Social Impact report into Aged Care in WA.

Bright stars receive Scholarships at the Annual General Meeting

Two Brightwater employees awarded scholarships at the AGM

Annie turns 100!

Introducing Perth's newest centenarian

Why spiritual care is important in aged care

Spirituality is bigger than religion

6 tips for a better night’s sleep

Everything just works better when you're sleeping well

4 ways that friendship enriches your life

Why friends are so vital for our wellbeing

6 reasons to keep reading books

Do yourself a favour and find a real page-turner!

Spring cleaning tips for seniors

It's time for your annual cleaning spree!

5 fall prevention tips for seniors

Just one bad fall can set off a domino effect

21 things you're never too old for

Colouring books, Christmas, 'crazy' hair and more!

10 simple stress relief remedies

What to do when a stress ball just won't cut it

When is it time to downsize?

5 signs it might be time to make the move

Why gardening is so good for you

With benefits like stress relief and better hand strength, don't even think about neglecting your green thumb!

5 big benefits of creative expression

Creativity isn't just for kids and 'artsy' types

16 positive quotes about ageing

Some of our favourite words of wisdom

Handy apps for seniors and people with disabilities

There's an app for that!

6 health benefits of laughter

Is laughter really the best medicine?

10 tips for better brain health

For Brain Awareness Week, we're highlighting what you can do to maximise your health up there.

5 reasons to keep walking as you get older

Keeping the body active maximises your ability to do everyday tasks in later life

Home safety tips for seniors

A few small changes around the house can really reduce the risk of accidents and falls

4 reasons why pets are so good for our wellbeing

Pets make the perfect companion

6 home care services you didn’t know you could get

There's more to home care than housework

5 things to consider when choosing a retirement village


Celebrating Christmas with ageing parents

Make meaningful memories this holiday season

6 reasons why music improves wellbeing

Music makes us feel good, but have you ever wondered why?